88 grand mountain ranges of powerful systems - Tien Shan, translated into Russian as "heavenly mountains" stretch out by long chains from east to west.The Central Tian Shan is the tallest and most maj...
There are almost 8000 glaciers in the Kyrgyz Mountains. The height of the snow line hesitates from 3600m. on the left slopes of the Kyrgyz and Talas ranges, to 4600m. on the south slopes of the Inner ...
People lived near Kumtor field in lithic age.At an altitude of 3500 –3700 metersabove sea level the Kyrgyz scientists found stone tools, used more then 40 thousand years ago.At the same place so...
Issyk-Kul is the nonfreezing mountain miracle lake of the tectonic origin, situated in a deep mountain hollow between the ridges of the Kyungey Ala-Too and the Teskey Ala-Too range at an altitude of 1...
The Kyrgyz national cuisine is characterized by different meat, milk and flour dishes. Various kinds of meat are used for cooking meat dishes, they are: horse meat, mutton, beef, poultry, as well as m...
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