There are many scenic spots, such as rock ensembles “Seven bulls” and “Broken Heart”, near which lovers are often taken a photo. Because of red rocks at the entrance to the gorge, the valley was named "Seven Bulls". You will be admired the beauty of the valley Kok Dzhaiyk, covered by Tien Shan firs, which creates a beautiful color combination, that attracts tourists so much. There are yurt camps; you can also take horse-riding excursion to nearby mountain valleys. Lakes and waterfalls are met in the upper reaches of the river Jety-Oguz.
There is a vertical wall at the very top of the valley; here you can see the beautiful double top Oguz-Bashi (Bull’s head), its height is 5170 metre. Unique rock ensembles have beautiful legends, but we will speak about it next time.
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