Tours To Uzbekistan

Archive of Blog: May 2014

Chingiz Aitmatov
Rubric: Great people of Kyrgyzstan

  Aitmatov Chingiz Torekulovich is Kyrgyz writer, Hero of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Winner of the Lenin and three State Prizes of the USSR. The outstanding writer was born in December 12, 1928 in ...

Khan-Tengri Peak
Rubric: Nature of Kyrgyzstan

  The beautiful pyramid of Khan Tengri is without doubt the Jewel of theTien Shan. It is the second highest mountain in this most northerly and remote of the great Asian mountain ranges. Among th...

Pobeda Peak
Rubric: Nature of Kyrgyzstan

  Pobeda Peak is the highest point of Tien-Shan Mountains (7493m), located on the border of Kyrgyzstan, east of Isyyk-Kul lake. It includes in the system of Koshkaal-Too ridge in Kyrgyzstan. Pobe...